How to Manipulate People Easily ?

How to manipulate people ? If you want to manipulate people and make them do what you want, you have to first know their psychology and how their mind

Extremely Effective Ways to Manipulate People

How to manipulate people ? If you want to manipulate people and make them do what you want, you have to first know their psychology and how their mind works. Here are five simple ways you can manipulate someone’s mind to do what you want them to do. Keep in mind that some of these tactics can backfire if the person realizes what you’re doing, so use them wisely and sparingly.

With these  tips, you’ll learn the psychological tricks that will make you a master of manipulation and help you bend people to your will. Whether you’re trying to change someone’s behavior or trying to get them to buy your product, there are simple ways to play with their minds without having to resort to fear, guilt, or intimidation. You can even use these techniques on yourself so that you’re more likely to succeed at what you want!

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how to manipulate people?

Use Reciprocity

Simply put, reciprocity is our internal desire to give back when someone gives us something first. If you can catch your prospects in that moment of vulnerability—when they’re thinking about whether they should do business with you or not—you have a good chance of creating a customer for life. One of my favorite examples of how businesses use reciprocity is through freemium models (which are commonly used in SaaS and online education). For example, if a new user tries out your product for free, then once they’ve made it past their initial resistance and signed up, you offer them some kind of bonus for getting started.

Use Liking

There’s a reason that companies spend millions trying to make their customers like them. In our world of e-commerce, you’re no longer competing with your competitors; instead, you have everyone from Uber drivers to wedding planners gunning for your attention. Instead of spending time figuring out ways in which you can be better than others—all while giving up some of your company’s control and autonomy—use psychological principles for good and use liking as a way in which people will naturally follow what you have to say. Use social proof: We are pack animals and we look to each other for cues on how we should act in any given situation.


Another psychological phenomenon at play is scarcity. Things that are hard to come by—like your attention, a hot new car, or tickets for your favorite concert—are perceived as more valuable than things you can get any time you want. And because of that perceived value, you're willing to spend more money. Researchers have found that people will spend twice as much money on an item if they're told it's in short supply than if they were told it's available in unlimited quantities. That said, if you want people to be interested in what you’re selling (or doing), make sure it seems exclusive and hard-to-get: don't give them too many choices or put their attention on something similar.

Why We Trust Others

Humans are naturally inclined to trust people. We prefer trusting others rather than assuming they’re untrustworthy. There are a few reasons for that, and psychologists know why it is that we’re more apt to trust those around us. We trust because we’re social creatures, meaning our goal is often (if not always) connection with others. As a result, we rely on other people as sources of information and guidance—we assume they have our best interests at heart when they give us advice or recommend something to buy. The problem with that is not all advice or suggestions come from well-meaning sources.

Mirroring and Synchronization

In psychology, mirroring is a phenomenon where one person subconsciously imitates another person's body language. Often called mirroring or imitation, it can also include speech patterns and vocal tones. In one experiment, pairs of subjects were seated facing each other in silence for a period of time while researchers studied their interactions. They found that pairs who mirrored each other had remarkably more positive conversations than those who did not mirror each other's behavior. Synchronization occurs when two people's physiological processes (such as brain waves) interact at similar frequencies. For example, if you and your boss have similar body language and tone of voice when discussing work issues, then you're likely using synchronization to build rapport with him or her.

Consistency Principle

Do you want to make someone do something? The key is being consistent. Social scientists have found that people are more likely to follow through on things they've said they would do in advance, as opposed to what they say after a delay. For example, one study showed that if you ask a stranger for directions, you're more likely to get help if you explain what you're doing (I'm going bowling and got lost...) than if you try it on-the-fly (i.e., Excuse me, I'm looking for a bowling alley). This principle goes beyond asking for directions, though. It works with pretty much anything: salespeople who sell something by making an appointment first versus cold calling; or showing up somewhere regularly as opposed to showing up occasionally.

Commitment and Consistency

Psychologists have found that we have a tendency to exhibit commitment and consistency. If you make people commit to something they can't get out of easily, they'll often follow through on it—even if they'd rather not. For example, in one famous study participants were asked if they would be willing to participate in a painful experiment. Those who said yes were then asked if they would be willing to let someone else take their place in the experiment; only 30% agreed. They were then told that another person had already taken their place.

Social Proof

One of my favorite psychological triggers is social proof, or a concept known as compliance from authority. You can easily learn how to manipulate people using social proof by first observing what other people are doing. If you want someone else to believe in your idea, let them see that other people already do. For example, if you’re trying to convince your boss that it’s okay for you to work from home more often, show her data on how much happier and more productive employees have been since working remotely was introduced. When used effectively, social proof can really help persuade and influence others (or just make them feel better about following along).

Give them options

If you want someone to do something for you, give them options. Rather than asking directly for what you want, tell people that they have a choice and let them decide how they want to act. Most people will choose an option that gives them some sort of benefit. This can be used in everything from negotiations (If I can get a 10% discount on your best product, would it be possible for me to have free shipping?) to getting someone you like to go out with you (I would love some coffee or tea... You pick.). Choosing an option when given multiple choices is almost instinctual, so give people an alternative way of saying yes while avoiding rejection and defensiveness.

Make them feel important

Do you know what it feels like when someone is genuinely interested in what you have to say? It's a great feeling, isn't it? When someone cares about your problems, or asks for your opinion on something, or otherwise shows an interest in you, it makes you feel valued. We all want people to show an interest in us, and most of us would do anything for that special someone who really cares about us. If you want people to be manipulated by you easily, then make them feel important; they'll be more willing to give up their hard-earned cash. In fact, as strange as it sounds, one of the easiest ways of manipulating people into doing what you want is simply by asking them if they can help!


If you’re a person who works with other people, you probably want others to do what you want them to do. The problem is that they might not always see things your way. Even if they’re on board, sometimes it can be hard for people to agree with one another and work together seamlessly—and that leads to problems. Now, if you’re trying to manipulate someone into doing something or following through on a decision, how do you ensure that he or she follows along? Consider four elements when thinking about how best to manipulate people: Their needs; their desires; your ability to help them meet those needs and desires; and their perception of your power.

The Power of Confidence

Body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass believes one of the most effective ways to manipulate people is by using your body language effectively. By creating confident body movements, you’ll appear more confident and powerful in other people’s eyes—and they will feel less threatened by you, which makes them more likely to do what you want. Some simple ways you can start using body language for manipulation: Smile genuinely at others; make big gestures; speak with an air of confidence; walk with a purpose; stand tall and keep your chin up; avoid fidgeting or making nervous faces (like biting your lip). Simply put: Look like a leader and act like one. It might take some time, but soon enough others will think you are one too.

Keywords, Words and Phrases

Use influence and manipulation skills when you want people do something you want and need in an easy way. All methods are psychological tricks which is effective and useful. Just check these out methods if you want more information: mind control secrets pdf secrets of influencing people pdf persuasive communication pdf Influence Methods Mind Control Pdf Persuasive Communication Pdf Learn how to use mind power for winning games and strategies or for getting what you really need here. Exercise your mind and don't allow others mind control your thoughts because without your consent no one can ever have control over any part of your life or else you are being manipulated by someone or some evil forces that have been destined for hell.

About the Author

Sarkun is a dedicated research student at one of India's premier institutions, the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER). With over three years of experience in the realm of blogging, Sarkun's passion lies at the interse…

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