Bot Fly Larvae
Bot Fly Larvae |
Poking the skin of the larva allows the larva to breathe and prevents the host from healing the wound - which is nice, because the only thing worse than living with vats in the body are rotting, sealed ones.
Botfly arises from the larva of Dermatobium hominis, a species of fly with grey to black striped ribcage and metallic blue belly, which penetrates the skin so that it cannot disintegrate, resulting in painful sores and pus. Similar to the creatures in horror movies, the fly is a lying parasitic larva that infects warm-blooded animals, including humans. Botfly larvae develop from eggs and remain a vector vector that takes a blood meal from a mammal or bird host.
After hatching, cuterebra larvae enter the host body through openings such as the nose, mouth and skin. As soon as the immature aphid larvae land on an unsuspecting host, they burrow into the skin wounds of the hosts, mosquito bites, hair follicles and other clefts in the body.
Butterflies have a short, cruel life cycle in which they attack a host and let its larva grow until it is mature enough to hatch from the host's flesh. The aphid larva penetrates the skin of the host through a bite, coils into hair follicles and burrows into subcutaneous tissue2, growth for 6 to 10 weeks and breathes through two posterior coils which lie flush with the host skin.
The fly genus Cuterebra, known as aphids, multiply by laying eggs on grass blades and nesting until the eggs hatch and release maggots that crawl up the skin and pass it on to the host. Adult cuterebra flies become infected when they hunt rodents and rabbits that encounter aphid larvae in the entrances of rodent caves. Dogs, cats and ferrets can also pick up the larva if they live in the same environment as a natural host of the botfly.
When larvae of aphids reach their host through a process called phoresis, they trap and lay their eggs in the blood of a feeding insect such as a mosquito. The eggs are then transferred to the mosquito for their blood meal. The warmth of the host body causes eggs to hatch and the larvae to burrow into subcutaneous tissue3. The larvae remain there for 4 to 18 weeks. The larvae of the human bot fly Dermatobia hominis linnaeus Jr. are cut out with a scalpel and the wound enlarged.
Emerging bot fly larvae live in subdermal cavities for 5-10 weeks and breathe through holes in the skin of the host. Their larvae are internal parasites of mammalian species that grow on the flesh of their hosts or in other intestines. The larvae hatch, grow, molt and fall back into the host soil to form pupae, which then molt into adult flies.
Botflies are large non-feeding flies, and they tend to target small mammals and rodents, including rabbits, as hosts for their larvae. The life cycle of the bot flies is not fixed depending on the geographical location of the plant, but at certain times of the year the bot larvae are active in horses from August to May. Human aphids (Dermatobia hominis) are the only species of aphids whose larvae parasitize human flies of other families and cause human myiasis, which can be harmful.
Botflies lay their eggs in the opening of a small mammalian house where contact is made with the latent egg of the animals and when the egg hatches, the larvae penetrate the skin, enter through an opening and are absorbed into the body. After a three-week development period in the mouth, the bot fly larvae of the Gasterophilus intestinalis species (Gasterophius nasalis) migrate and attach to the mucous membrane of the horse stomach which remains there throughout the winter. After about 10 months, they detach from the gastric mucosa and pass through the body as feces.
The larvae (up to 100-400 eggs) that it produces during its short adult life (8-9 days) are stimulated by the warmth and proximity of the large mammal host and fall into its skin or cave. Young larvae penetrate the skin of cattle (Hypoderma lineatum, H. bovis hypodermatinae), in the wart fly (Hypoderma lineatum, H. bovis hypodermatinae ) and wander for several months around the body before settling on the skin of animals.
In the cave of the first instar, the larvae of the botfly can cause paralysis and even death of the host. The larvae of the boat fly have secret antibiotics in the chemicals they feed on to reduce the likelihood of infection, which is beneficial for the parasite because an infection causes its own death.
While flies are not known to transmit pathogenic pathogens, the larvae of Dermatobia hominis attack the skin of mammals living in larval stages in the subcutaneous layer and cause painful pustules that secrete fluid. Increased skin lesions caused by the presence of the larval hymaniptical fly (Dermatobia Hominis linnaeus jr. The human leaf fly, to which its Latin name Dermatobias hominis refers is the only known leaf fly that infects humans. Unlike other flies it is known to cause myiasis, a medical term for an insect attack on the body of a mammal.
Due to the appearance of the two wounds, the suppurating substance and the fact that it is August, we suspect that the rodent is the skin of a bot fly larva.