What is Nanotechnology |Full Explanation


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What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is a generic term for the fields of science and technology in which phenomena occurring on the nanometer scale are used in the design, description, production and application of materials, structures, devices and systems.  
Many examples of structures exist at the nanoscale , including basic molecules within the human body and food components, and although many flags of human technology have been associated with nanoscale structures for many years, they have only appeared in the past. years.  For a quarter century, it has been possible and intentional to modify molecules and structures in this size range; It is this control at the nanoscale that distinguishes nanotechnology from other fields of technology.  "Things" in general, materials and devices on an atomic and molar scale. One nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter: ten times the diameter of a hydrogen atom.The average human hair diameter is 80,000 nanometers. At this scale, the usual rules of physics and chemistry no longer apply. The properties of materials, such as their color, strength, conductivity and reactivity, can vary significantly at the nanoscale and macroscopic scale. Carbon nanotubes are 100 times stronger and six times lighter than steel, Nanotechnology is hailed as having the potential to improve energy efficiency, help clean up the environment, and solve serious health problems.Proponents of nanotechnology argue that they can significantly increase production at significant cost savings.

What can nanotechnology do?

 It is believed that nanotechnology can improve energy efficiency, help clean up the environment and solve major health problems, and is said to be able to significantly increase production at a fraction of the cost. Significant cost savings.  According to proponents of nanotechnology, it will be smaller, cheaper, lighter, but more functional and will require less energy and fewer raw materials to produce.


 Different types of nanotechnology are classified according to their origin (top to bottom or bottom to top) and the environment in which they operate (dry or wet):

 Descending (top to bottom) :) Mechanisms and structures are miniaturized on a nanoscale - from one to 100 nanometers: it is the most common, especially in electronics. 

Ascending (from bottom to top) It starts with a nanometer structure like a molecule, and through assembly or self-assembly a larger mechanism is created than that which was initiated by dry nanotechnology. It is used to make structures of carbon, silicon, inorganic materials, metals and semiconductors that are insensitive to moisture.It is based on biological systems of the aquatic environment, including genetic material, membranes, enzymes and other cellular components.

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 Nanotechnology and nanomaterials can find applications in all types of industries, usually in the following areas:
 Ionized air purification, water treatment Waste using nanopellets or nano filtration systems for heavy metals are some of its environmentally friendly applications.

In this area, nanobiosensors can be used to detect the presence of pathogens in food or nanocomposite materials to improve food production by increasing mechanical and thermal resistance and reducing oxygen penetration in packaged foods.  

Smart fabrics-
That do not get dirty or wrinkled can be developed, as well as stronger, lighter and more durable materials for motorcycle helmets or sports equipment.

Carbon nanotubes have largely replaced silicon as a material to create smaller, faster, more efficient devices and microchips, as well as lighter, more conductive, and stronger quantum nanowires.  The properties of graphene make it an ideal candidate for the development of flexible touch screens. A semiconductor developed by Kyoto University allows solar panels to be produced, which converts twice as much sunlight into electricity. Nanotechnology also reduces costs, makes wind turbines stronger and lighter, improves fuel efficiency, and thanks to the insulating properties of certain nanocomponents, the properties of certain nanomaterials make them ideal for improving the early diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases or cancer.  
They have the ability to target cancer cells without harming other healthy cells. Some nanoparticles have also been used to improve pharmaceuticals such as sunscreens.

The future of nanotechnology

Sensors, sensors, everywhere 
These sensors are based on newly invented nanomaterials and manufacturing technologies to make them smaller, more complex and more energy efficient.  For example, sensors with very good performance can now be printed in bulk on flexible plastic rolls at a low cost. this opens up the possibility of placing sensors at multiple points in critical infrastructure to continually verify that everything is working as expected. 

How to make big data possible. 
All of these sensors will generate more information than we had to process before, so we need technology to process it and identify patterns that will alert us to problems. use big data from motion sensors to manage congestion and prevent accidents, or prevent crime through statistics to better allocate police resources. This is where nanotechnology is helping to create the super-powerful memory that allows us to store this massive amount of data. But he also inspires the creation of ultra-efficient algorithms for processing, encrypting and transmitting data without compromising their reliability. Brain-inspired computer architectures can also use energy more efficiently and therefore have fewer overheating problems - one of the key concerns for further shrinking devices. 

Fighting Climate Change 

Fighting climate change means we need new ways to generate and use electricity, and nanotechnology has played a role in helping create batteries that can store more energy for electric vehicles and enable solar panels to convert more sunlight into electricity. ... 

Wearable fitness technology means we can keep track of our health by tying devices to ourselves. There are even prototypes of electronic tattoos that can determine our vital signs. But by minimizing this technology, we can go further by implanting or inserting small sensors into the body. it will collect more detailed information with less hassle for the patient, allowing doctors to personalize their treatment.


About the Author

Mr. Sarkun is a research scholar specializing in Data Science at IISER, one of India’s premier institutions. With a deep understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Emerging Technologies, he blends academic rigor with practical i…

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