Multiple intelligence theory in the classroom

multiple intelligence theory in the classroom - ncludes lessons, prints, and other resources to help you teach IM to students in a fun way using

Multiple Intelligence Theory 

How does one go about explaining the multiple intelligence theory? How does we apply multiple intelligence theory in the classroom? Is it effective? These are all questions that I hope to answer in this article on the multiple intelligence theory and how it can help students achieve success in school, no matter what their learning style may be.

multiple intelligence theory in the classroom, multiple intelligence theory,Howard Gardner,gardner theory,8 different types of intelligences,spatial intelligence,Intrapersonal intelligence,psychology,

Intro to Multiple Intelligences

According to Sternberg, a person’s intelligence can be best conceptualized as existing along three spectrums. The first of these is analytical intelligence—as related to one’s ability to problem-solve using logic and reason. Second is creative intelligence, which relates to one’s ability to produce original or new ideas. Third is practical intelligence, relating to one’s capacity for applying knowledge or skills in a given context.

RELATED :  Gardner Theory Of Intelligence

Types of Intelligence

The Multiple Intelligences theory has been around for many years. The theory was first developed by psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983 and since then has created a shift in how we look at intelligence. According to Gardner, there are 8 different types of intelligences; interpersonal, intrapersonal, verbal-linguistic, mathematical-logical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial and naturalist. 

Multiple Intelligence Theory In The Classroom

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences for Children includes lessons, prints, and other resources to help you teach students in a fun way using collaborative learning strategies. Teaching our students Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences shows them that each of them has something important to offer in each class or situation, and that our differences can strengthen us as a whole. Teachers have always intuitively known that children learn differently, and Dr. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences corroborates their observations and experiences in the classroom. Teaching students Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences can show them they are all smart in different ways.


People often assume that students can only learn one way because they only have one important type of intelligence. Each student comes to class as a person who has developed a certain type of intelligence. If students are very different in their preferred intelligence or are unsure of their preferences, the teacher will offer students a choice in each intelligence. Revealing student intelligence allows the teacher to select appropriate activities for the student in the classroom and more effectively guide his or her learning path.


This will maximize the intelligence of our individual students and allow them all to flourish. Incorporate will also help students apply their knowledge to new situations and, in turn, develop all kinds of intelligence. As we better understand our students, we can individualize our teaching to meet the needs of each student, and then diversify to enhance intelligence as others develop. It is imperative that educators include learning activities that support more than nine distinct areas of intelligence to help students be more successful.


Students can be more successful if learning objectives are directly related to their developed intelligence. In order to balance learning styles and subject matter, the teacher must show students how to understand a subject that affects one of their areas of weak intelligence by applying their more developed area of ​​intelligence. These areas of intelligence, called learning style, determine the ease or difficulty with which a student can learn with a particular teaching method. To avoid the simplistic trap of confusing multiple intelligence theory with preferred learning styles, educators need to understand their students' strengths, using those strengths to balance their students' limitations.


multiple intelligence theory in the classroom, multiple intelligence theory,Howard Gardner,gardner theory,8 different types of intelligences,spatial intelligence,Intrapersonal intelligence,psychology,

Educators who understand multiple intelligences and multiple intelligences should apply this knowledge when planning lessons and provide multiple ways to access information and consider multiple intelligences in each lesson. If teachers have difficulty reaching students through more traditional verbal or logical teaching methods, multiple intelligences theory offers many other ways to present material to facilitate effective learning. Using multiple intelligences theory to come up with themes, i.e. using different ways and tools to explore information, can have a very positive impact on the learning process of our students. By applying Multiple Intelligences theory to the classroom, educators take into account the different types of students they may have in the classroom, reinforce all types of intelligence in each student, and allow for a personalized learning process that ultimately allows each student to can use their abilities. specific skills and demonstrate learning.


Multiple Intelligences Theory validates this empirical experience and can provide educators with the foundation and tools to better meet the needs of different types of learners in each classroom. The theory of multiple intelligences is also often misunderstood, which can lead to its use interchangeably with learning styles or applied in ways that limit a learner's potential. He recommends training teachers to present their lessons in multiple ways, using music, collaborative learning, art activities, role-playing, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, etc. (see Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 4th ed.).


While not all educators support MI theory, I believe it has enormous potential as a tool for students to take responsibility for their own learning experiences. MI theory helps students understand how they learn best, and this knowledge helps them develop their thinking when trying to solve problems or solve complex problems.


Russian educator Margarita Finko proposes to combine the theory of multiple intelligences, taking into account the cultural background of students, in order to provide greater flexibility and enable educators to adapt the content of training to their individual and culturally determined learning needs. Traditional intelligence assessments do not take into account disabilities and language barriers, but customizing materials and educational activities to capitalize on people's strengths can greatly help students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and developmental disorders such as autism. While more research is still needed to determine the best measures to measure and support the range of intelligence in schools, the theory has provided scope for expanding definitions of intelligence.


Below are examples of three learning structures that can be used to develop intelligence in your classroom. Pick one or two intelligences that you don't normally use in class and find a way to include them. As a student, it is important to know how much intelligence you have in order to know the most effective way to learn.


Using the nine intelligences to teach a concept gives each of your students a chance to succeed in learning. Knowing Howard Gardner's nine types of intelligence helps students see that each person has a unique set of abilities and skills. In general, the classroom layout should contain areas where students can interact with various learning strategies based on the eight intelligences.


Teachers, however, should try to include as many of them as possible and allow students to use their intelligence types at least part of the time, if all of the time is not possible. An entire curriculum can be created with activities based on multiple intelligences to develop different areas of intelligence for each student; this curriculum will be more student oriented.


The Linguistic Intelligence

People who are strong in linguistic intelligence will learn new words easily, understand analogies and patterns, and enjoy reading. If you're good at language, you can remember numbers easier and may be able to recite poetry by heart. Linguistic-intelligence people should consider careers as linguists or writers, among others. When it comes to multiple intelligence theory explain, there is really no limit to how far you can go if you have a high level of linguistic intelligence.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

People who are gifted in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at abstract reasoning and problem solving. They can figure out what things in life might work if applied logically. Mathematicians, engineers, accountants, and computer programmers often excel in logical-mathematical intelligence. For example, Albert Einstein (1879–1955) was a brilliant physicist who formulated many of his ideas using mathematics—even though he wasn't very good at math! Nowadays most modern electronic devices like cell phones, laptops and even toys use binary code that relies on logical-mathematical thinking. A person with high levels of logical-mathematical intelligence would be fascinated by these concepts!

Spatial Intelligence

Spatial intelligence - In order to help you determine if you have spatial intelligence abilities—and if so—how best to harness them at work and in life. This guide offers a brief overview of spatial intelligence; advice on improving your strengths with self-reflection; as well as suggestions for professionals looking to integrate their skills into their jobs more effectively.

Interpersonal Intelligence

The ability to understand what makes other people tick. People who score high on interpersonal intelligence can easily identify and empathize with others’ feelings, as well as communicate in ways that help to cultivate positive relationships. This is a very important skill for leaders, but it also serves us well in our personal lives. Being able to understand someone else’s perspective is one of those things we all know we should do (say, please and thank you), but doing so goes against our natural impulses to be independent and self-reliant.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence is your ability to understand yourself. It’s knowing who you are and what you want, being able to reflect on yourself, and determining what makes you happy. You can use intrapersonal intelligence to learn more about who you are as a person, then use that information to guide your decisions in life. For example, if you know that you really enjoy music, it might influence where you decide to go college or what kinds of jobs interest you later in life. Intrapersonal intelligence helps us get in touch with our emotions and remember people's names by allowing us to consciously put ourselves into other people's shoes—and then think about how we would feel if we were in their situation.

About the Author

Mr. Sarkun is a research scholar specializing in Data Science at IISER, one of India’s premier institutions. With a deep understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Emerging Technologies, he blends academic rigor with practical i…

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