Emerging Technologies

Cloud based computing

Cloud Computing   What is cloud based computing? Cloud computing is the provision of a variety of services over the Internet, including data storage…

Google Compute Engine | Explained

Google Compute Engine   Google Compute Engine provides virtual machines that can run in any of its data centers connected to its fiber optic networ…

World's First Bionic Eye

What Is A Bionic Eye Cybernetic eye A retinal bionic eye implant is inserted into the eyeball itself and is suitable for people who lost their visi…

Carbon Capturing | Explained

What Is Carbon Capturing Technology Carbon Capturing  Industrial processes that demonstrate large-scale carbon capture in commercial operations incl…

Spatial Computing | Fully Explained

Spatial Computing | Fully Explained   Spatial Computing What is Spatial Computing? Many of us learnt about Spatial Computing at training camp. Bac…

Natural Language Processing | Full Explanation

Natural Language Processing                                                       Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing (NLP) ref…

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) | Full Explaination

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ?      It's a good way to simplify user interaction tasks by automating tedious human tasks that no one …
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