Some Basic Programs of Python

"" Program to Calculate Simple Interest """

p = eval(input("Enter Principle? "))
r = eval(input("Enter Rate? "))
t = eval(input("Enter Time? "))
si = p *r * t/100
print("Simple interest = ", si)

""" Program to Calculate Compound Interest """
p = eval(input("Enter Principle? "))
r = eval(input("Enter Rate? "))
t = eval(input("Enter Time? "))
A = p * (1 + r/100) ** t
CI = A - p
print("compund interest = ", CI)

""" Area of Triangle"""
import math
a = eval(input("Enter first side? "))
b = eval(input("Enter second side? "))
c = eval(input("Enter third side? "))
s = (a + b + c) / 2
area = math.sqrt(s *(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
print("Area = ", area)

"""To check number is even or odd"""
num = eval(input("Enter any number ?"))
if num % 2 == 0:
 print ("EVEN NUMBER...")
 print ("ODD NUMBER...")

"""Checking Divisibility """
a = eval(input("Enter first number? "))
b = eval(input("Enter second number? "))
if a % b == 0:
 print (a, " is divisible by ", b)
 print (a, " is NOT divisible by ", b)

"""Roots of a Quadratic Equation"""
import math as m
a = eval(input("Enter value for a ?"))
b = eval(input("Enter value for b ?"))
c = eval(input("Enter value for c ?"))
d = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
if d >=0:
 r1 = (-b + m.sqrt(d))/ (2 * a)
 r2 = (-b - m.sqrt(d))/ (2 * a)
 print("Root1 = ", r1, "\nRoot2 = ", r2)
 print("Root are imaginary")

"""Calculating grades on total marks"""
tot_marks = eval(input("enter total marks obtained by student ? "))
percent = tot_marks / 5
if percent >= 90:
 grade = "A"
elif percent >= 75:
 grade = "B"
elif percent >= 60:
 grade = "C"
 grade = "D"
print ("your percentage is ", percent, "and grade is : ", grade)

"""Calculating income Tax"""
gs = eval(input("Enter gross salary : ?"))
if gs<=100000:
 it = 0
elif gs <=500000:
 it = (gs - 100000) * 10/100
elif gs <=1000000:
 it = 10000 + (gs - 500000) * 20/100
 it = 25000 + (gs - 1000000) * 30/100
print("Income tax to be paid = ", it)

"""Maximum of 3 numbers"""
a = eval(input("Enter value for a ?"))
b = eval(input("Enter value for b ?"))
c = eval(input("Enter value for c ?"))
if a>b:
 if a>c:
 max = a
 max = c
 if b>c:
 max = b
 max = c
print("Maximum = ", max)
"""Finding absolute value """
num = eval(input("Enter any number :"))
num1 = num
if num < 0 :
 num1 = -1 * num # we can also write it as num1 = -num
print("Absolute value of ", num, "is = ", num1)

"""Printing even numbers between 1 to N"""
x = 2
N = eval(input("Enter the limit N? "))
while x <=N:
 x += 2

"""Sum of Digits for a given number"""
Sum = 0; Rem=0
num = eval(input("Enter any number "))
while num > 0:
 Rem = num % 10
 Sum = Sum + Rem
 num = num //10
print("Sum of digits = ", Sum)

"""Reverse of a number"""
rev = 0; Rem=0
num = eval(input("Enter any number "))
while num > 0:
 Rem = num % 10
 rev = (rev * 10) + Rem
 num = num //10
print("Reverse of the given number = ", rev)

"""Factorial of a given number"""
x = 1; fact = 1
N = eval(input("Enter the number N? "))
while x <=N:
 fact = fact * x
 x += 1
print("Factorial of ", N, " = ", fact)

"""Print Fibonacci series upto N terms """
a = 0; b=1; count = 2
N = eval(input("Enter number of terms to be printed"))
print ("Fibonacci series upto ", N, "terms are : ",a ,b, end = ' ')
while count < N:
 c = a + b;
 print(c, end = ' ')
 a= b;
 b = c
 count= count + 1
"""Factorial of a given number"""
N = eval(input("Enter any number :"))
fact = 1
for i in range(N, 1, -1):
 fact = fact * i
print("Factorial of ", N, " = ", fact)

"""To check the given number is prime or NOT? """
flag = 1
N = eval (input("Enter any number : "))
for i in range(2, N):
 if ( N % i == 0):
 flag = 0

if(flag == 0):
 print("Number", N, "is NOT Prime")
 print("Number", N, "is Prime")

#Program to Sort 3 Numbers in ascending order
a = eval(input("Enter value for a ?"))
b = eval(input("Enter value for b ?"))
c = eval(input("Enter value for c ?"))
if a<b :
 if a < c:
 if b<=c:
 print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", a, b, c)
 print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", a, c, b)

 print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", c, a, b)
 if b < c:
 if a<=c:
 print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", b, a, c)
 print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", b, c, a)
 print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", c, b, a)

"""To Sum first N terms of the series 2/5 + 4/10 + 6/15 + 8/20 +... + N terms"""
N = eval(input("Input number of terms to be sum : "))
num = 2
den = 5
sum = 0
for i in range(1, N+1):
 sum = sum + num/den
 num = num + 2
 den = den + 5
print("sum of first ", N , "terms = ", sum)

N = eval(input("Input number of terms to be sum : "))
sum = 0
for i in range(1, N+1):
 sum = sum + (2*i)/(5*i)
print("sum of first ", N , "terms = ", sum)

"""Calculating compound interest using loop"""
P = eval(input("Enter value for Principle :"))
R = eval(input("Enter value for rate :"))
T = eval(input("Enter value for Time(in years) :"))
si = 0; ci = 0; amt = 0
amt = P;
for t in range(1, T+1):
 si = amt * R * 1/100
 amt = amt + si;
ci = amt - P
print("Compound Interest = ", ci)

"""Multiplication table"""
N = eval(input("Enter any number :"))
fact = 1
print("Multiplication table of ", N, "is : \n")
for i in range(1, 11):
 print(N , " X", i, "= ", N*i)

for i in range(1, 6):
 for j in range(1,i+1):
 print(j, end = ' ')

for i in range(1, 6):
 for j in range(1,i+1):
 print(i, end = ' ')

for i in range(5, 0, -1):
 for j in range(i,0, -1):
 print("*", end = ' ')

 * *
 * * *
 * * * *
 * * * * *
for i in range(1, 6):
 for k in range(10, i, -1):
 print(' ', end = '')
 for j in range(1,i+1):
 print("* ", end = '')

About the Author

Sarkun is a dedicated research student at one of India's premier institutions, the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER). With over three years of experience in the realm of blogging, Sarkun's passion lies at the interse…

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