"" Program to Calculate Simple Interest """
p = eval(input("Enter Principle? "))
r = eval(input("Enter Rate? "))
t = eval(input("Enter Time? "))
si = p *r * t/100
print("Simple interest = ", si)
""" Program to Calculate Compound Interest """
p = eval(input("Enter Principle? "))
r = eval(input("Enter Rate? "))
t = eval(input("Enter Time? "))
A = p * (1 + r/100) ** t
CI = A - p
print("compund interest = ", CI)
""" Area of Triangle"""
import math
a = eval(input("Enter first side? "))
b = eval(input("Enter second side? "))
c = eval(input("Enter third side? "))
s = (a + b + c) / 2
area = math.sqrt(s *(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
print("Area = ", area)
"""To check number is even or odd"""
num = eval(input("Enter any number ?"))
if num % 2 == 0:
print ("EVEN NUMBER...")
print ("ODD NUMBER...")
"""Checking Divisibility """
a = eval(input("Enter first number? "))
b = eval(input("Enter second number? "))
if a % b == 0:
print (a, " is divisible by ", b)
print (a, " is NOT divisible by ", b)
"""Roots of a Quadratic Equation"""
import math as m
a = eval(input("Enter value for a ?"))
b = eval(input("Enter value for b ?"))
c = eval(input("Enter value for c ?"))
d = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
if d >=0:
r1 = (-b + m.sqrt(d))/ (2 * a)
r2 = (-b - m.sqrt(d))/ (2 * a)
print("Root1 = ", r1, "\nRoot2 = ", r2)
print("Root are imaginary")
"""Calculating grades on total marks"""
tot_marks = eval(input("enter total marks obtained by student ? "))
percent = tot_marks / 5
if percent >= 90:
grade = "A"
elif percent >= 75:
grade = "B"
elif percent >= 60:
grade = "C"
grade = "D"
print ("your percentage is ", percent, "and grade is : ", grade)
"""Calculating income Tax"""
gs = eval(input("Enter gross salary : ?"))
if gs<=100000:
it = 0
elif gs <=500000:
it = (gs - 100000) * 10/100
elif gs <=1000000:
it = 10000 + (gs - 500000) * 20/100
it = 25000 + (gs - 1000000) * 30/100
print("Income tax to be paid = ", it)
"""Maximum of 3 numbers"""
a = eval(input("Enter value for a ?"))
b = eval(input("Enter value for b ?"))
c = eval(input("Enter value for c ?"))
if a>b:
if a>c:
max = a
max = c
if b>c:
max = b
max = c
print("Maximum = ", max)
"""Finding absolute value """
num = eval(input("Enter any number :"))
num1 = num
if num < 0 :
num1 = -1 * num # we can also write it as num1 = -num
print("Absolute value of ", num, "is = ", num1)
"""Printing even numbers between 1 to N"""
x = 2
N = eval(input("Enter the limit N? "))
while x <=N:
x += 2
"""Sum of Digits for a given number"""
Sum = 0; Rem=0
num = eval(input("Enter any number "))
while num > 0:
Rem = num % 10
Sum = Sum + Rem
num = num //10
print("Sum of digits = ", Sum)
"""Reverse of a number"""
rev = 0; Rem=0
num = eval(input("Enter any number "))
while num > 0:
Rem = num % 10
rev = (rev * 10) + Rem
num = num //10
print("Reverse of the given number = ", rev)
"""Factorial of a given number"""
x = 1; fact = 1
N = eval(input("Enter the number N? "))
while x <=N:
fact = fact * x
x += 1
print("Factorial of ", N, " = ", fact)
"""Print Fibonacci series upto N terms """
a = 0; b=1; count = 2
N = eval(input("Enter number of terms to be printed"))
print ("Fibonacci series upto ", N, "terms are : ",a ,b, end = ' ')
while count < N:
c = a + b;
print(c, end = ' ')
a= b;
b = c
count= count + 1
"""Factorial of a given number"""
N = eval(input("Enter any number :"))
fact = 1
for i in range(N, 1, -1):
fact = fact * i
print("Factorial of ", N, " = ", fact)
"""To check the given number is prime or NOT? """
flag = 1
N = eval (input("Enter any number : "))
for i in range(2, N):
if ( N % i == 0):
flag = 0
if(flag == 0):
print("Number", N, "is NOT Prime")
print("Number", N, "is Prime")
#Program to Sort 3 Numbers in ascending order
a = eval(input("Enter value for a ?"))
b = eval(input("Enter value for b ?"))
c = eval(input("Enter value for c ?"))
if a<b :
if a < c:
if b<=c:
print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", a, b, c)
print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", a, c, b)
print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", c, a, b)
if b < c:
if a<=c:
print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", b, a, c)
print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", b, c, a)
print ("Numbers in ascending order are = ", c, b, a)
"""To Sum first N terms of the series 2/5 + 4/10 + 6/15 + 8/20 +... + N terms"""
N = eval(input("Input number of terms to be sum : "))
num = 2
den = 5
sum = 0
for i in range(1, N+1):
sum = sum + num/den
num = num + 2
den = den + 5
print("sum of first ", N , "terms = ", sum)
N = eval(input("Input number of terms to be sum : "))
sum = 0
for i in range(1, N+1):
sum = sum + (2*i)/(5*i)
print("sum of first ", N , "terms = ", sum)
"""Calculating compound interest using loop"""
P = eval(input("Enter value for Principle :"))
R = eval(input("Enter value for rate :"))
T = eval(input("Enter value for Time(in years) :"))
si = 0; ci = 0; amt = 0
amt = P;
for t in range(1, T+1):
si = amt * R * 1/100
amt = amt + si;
ci = amt - P
print("Compound Interest = ", ci)
"""Multiplication table"""
N = eval(input("Enter any number :"))
fact = 1
print("Multiplication table of ", N, "is : \n")
for i in range(1, 11):
print(N , " X", i, "= ", N*i)
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in range(1,i+1):
print(j, end = ' ')
for i in range(1, 6):
for j in range(1,i+1):
print(i, end = ' ')
for i in range(5, 0, -1):
for j in range(i,0, -1):
print("*", end = ' ')
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
for i in range(1, 6):
for k in range(10, i, -1):
print(' ', end = '')
for j in range(1,i+1):
print("* ", end = '')